Alesis Nanoverb 18 Bit Digital Effects Processor User Manual

Posted : admin On 26.05.2020
  1. Alesis Nanoverb 18 Bit Digital Effects Processor
  2. Alesis Nanoverb 18-bit Digital Effects Processor
  • Buy Alesis Reverb Pro Audio Signal Multi-Effects Processors and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Great Savings Free Delivery / Collection on many items. Alesis NanoVerb 18 Bit Digital Effects Processor New In Box. From United States. £12.12 postage. Alesis Nanoverb 18 Bit Digital Effects Processor and Manual.
  • Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Alesis NanoVerb 18-bit Digital Effects Processor at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
  • Thank you for purchasing the Alesis NanoVerb Effects Processor. To take full advantage of the NanoVerb’s functions, and to enjoy long and trouble-free use, please read this user’s manual carefully. How To Use This Manual. This manual is divided into the following sections describing the various modes of the NanoVerb.
  • The NanoVerb from Alesis is, an 18-bit Digital Effect Processor that has all the essential features you need for a variety of awesome reverb effects, as well as Chorus, Flanging and Delay. The NanoVerb features 16 powerful preset effects including Rotary, Chorus, Delay, and Flange as well as various Halls, Rooms, and Plates.

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Seller:1955alick(245)98.7%, Location:Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Ships to: US & many other countries, Item:132169913431: . We've made it brief and informative. Some helpful setup thoughts areincluded along with some application hints.The MICROVERB II represents aclear breakthrough in signal processing technology.Utilizing the Alesis R.l.S.C. (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) architecture,the MICROVERB II provides clean, quiet, professional digital reverberation with thecost and simplicity of spring units. The entire digital processing system is contained ona single chip, developed by Alesis Research Department, specif ically for theMICROVERB II. Using high speed complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor(CMOS) silicon processing, the MICROVERB I Ichip replaces several circuit cards ofcomponents, while consuming very little power.The reverb programs were developed on our interactive rogm simulation and developmentsystem. Philosophically, the objective of reverberation is to enhance a dramaticperformance, adding space, power, depth. Natural spaces tend to sound more pleasingthan the simulated reverb types such as springs and plates, and for this reason, weuse room terminology in describing our programs. The programs coverawide range ofsizes and qualities, and include such unnatural concepts as gated and reverse types.,wSTA[ 'LATtONtGuitars, Keyboards:The MICROVERB II has high impedance inputs ideally suited for use with instrumentpickups. Further, if the left input only is used, the input signal will appear as mono(present in both channels) ai the dry side of the mix control. Adjust the input level for thelevel indicator flashing to red on occasional transients. A green condition of the indicatorshows that the signal is sufficient for good signal to noise ratios.Mixing Consoles:The MICROVERB II handles mono or stereo sends at all system levels. The inputcircuitry of the MICROVERB II can easily handle +4 levels (+ 20 dB peaks), whilehaving enough input gain to interface with the extremely low signal levels of budgetrecording systems. As with instruments, if the left input alone is used with a monosource, it will appear in both channels of the dry output, leaving the reverb output in fullstereo. In professional applications, it is suggested that the output control be setat maximum, where the MICROVERB II will best drive maximum levels at lowimpedances. When using with the sends and receives of a console, the mix controlshould be set to full reverb.llounting:The MICROVERB II as a part of the Alesis Micro Series, is mountable in the Micro RackAdapter, where three such devices fit perfectly. Assembly is quick and simple, asingle screw secures each device in place. The unique design of the Micro Series caseallows the devices to lock together to form a solid rack package, or to stand alone assingle units.PowenThe MICROVERB II have by a remote supply providing 9 volts AC through a 3.5mm plug. This power supply approach keeps stray magnetic fields from interfering withlow level signals, allows easy conversion to alternate power sources (220V), and furtherreduces the unit's physical size and valuable panel space. Although many Micro seriesdevices could be powered by a single supply, this is not advisable, as ground loopswould be set up between units, leading to excessive hum and noise in the system..MICROVERB II is a revolution ln the development of digital reverb in that it represents aphenomenal price/performance ratio, while reducing the physical size from large,bulky hardware to what you can now hold in the palm of your hand. The 16 programs inMICROVERB II are the distillation of years of exhaustive research by Alesis into the phenomenonof sound as it occurs naturally in space. From small, intimate room settings tolarge unobstructed spaces, to useful gated and reverse reverb effects, MICROVERB IIoffers a powerful level of sonic flexibility that will expand and polish the sound of anyrecording. Moreover, its rugged portability, simplicity and convenient input characteristicsmake it the logical choice for recreating studio quality sound in live performance, The 16 programs in MICROVERB II offer a wide range of ambient spaces. lts compact,affordable format means that even the smallest 4 track studio can own more than oneMICROVERB IL One of the greatest differences between home recordings and topflight record productions is in the quality and number of high performance reverbprocessors. Simply stated, the big studios have a lot of digital reverbs and smaller studiosusually don't. MICROVERB II changes all that.The illustration shows a typical reverb assignment for a no holds barred record production.While this setup may not represent the capabilities of your own recordingefforts, it does illustrate why modern recordings sound so spacious and dramatic. The16 bit processor in MICROVERB II allows you to create this sense of space with crystallineclarity and great resolution.These programs were chosen for the purpose of creating a'sound stage' for themusical performance. There is a well defined sense of three dimensional space that isoccupied by each instrument: left to right and front to back. The blocks in the illustrationindicate the physical placement of each instrument, and the spreading of the sounddue to the psychoacoustic imaging characteristics of each program. Notice that thesmall programs have more of a centered spatial image while the large programs arewider, more open and spacious.Recommended programs are listed by number next to each instrument. These programsuggestions are based on popular uses of digital reverb, but use your imaginationand please experiment. Musical style, personal taste and creativity are your guidelines.This mix uses 9 MICROVERB II programs simultaneously. .The mix control settings apply to either the mix control on MICROVERB standalone operation, or the settings can apply to the sends and receives of a mixing console.IMPORTANT! When used with the sends and receives of a mixing console the mixcontrol on MICROVERB II should always be set fully cloclovise, and the returns on theconsole oanned hard left and prioht for the full stereo effect.MIXCONTROLPROGRAM atc Dry % WelSNARE DRUMLEAD VOCAL MEDIUM 4 OR LARGE 1 60BACK GROUND VOCALS. IVEDIUMsLEAD INSTRUMENTS (guitar. sax. synth. etc.) LARGE 1 50RHYTHM GUITAR AND KEYBOARDS SMALL I or 2 50-100HORN SECTION LARGE 2 60-50HI HAT. SMALL 1 or 2STRINGS LARGE 1 50-100PERCUSSION AND CYMBALS LARGE 1 OR 60-70MEDIUM 2TOMS. MEDIUM 3 50KICK DRUM SMALL 1BASS GUITAR. SMALL 2does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,:- Reorient the receiving antenna.-Relocate the product with respect to the receiver-Move the product away from the receiver-Plug the product into a different outlet so that product and receiver are on differentbranch circuits.lf necessary the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/televisiontechnician for additional suggestions.The user may find the following booklet preparedby the Federal communications commission heipfull: 'How to tdentity and ResotveRadio:TV lnterference Problems'.' FREQUENCY RESPONSE 20KHZ (DRY), 1sKHZ (REVERB) :t2dB+1KhzDYNAMIC RANGE 90 dBprsToRTroN ................,t%( TypicAl)SIGNAL LEVELS INPUT: -10TO + 20 dBV PEAKOUTPUT: +8 5 dBV PEAK (REVERB)OUTPUT: + 20 dBV PEAK (DRY)INPUT IMPEDANCE ... 1 MEGOHM EACH CHANNEL5OO K OHM, MONO INPUTCONVERSION SCHEME 16 BIT LINEAR PCMPROCESSING MEMORY 32 KILOBYTESPROCESSoR SPEED. . . . 3 MILLIoN oPER.ISECFORMAT INPUT: MATRIXED STEREOOUTPUT: FULL IMAGED STEREODEFEAT EXTErNAL, SPST SWITCH (NOT SUPPLIED)LEVELINDICATION .. ORANGE: POWER INDICATIONGREEN: SIGNAL PRESENTRED: OVERLOADCONTROLS INPUT GAINI,4IX RATIOOUTPUT LEVELPROGRAMPROGRAMSCONNECTIONS STEREO INPUTS: 7q' PHONESTEREO OUTPUTS: %' PHONEDEFEAT: Y4' PHONEPOWER: 3.5mm PHONEPOWER 9V AC, 5 VOLT-AMPERESPrograms available in the MICROVERB II were selected to offer a complete rangeof contemporary reverb types, spanning the entire range of music production. Dividedinto large, small and special effect types, the programs are all very different and specific,but likewise very useful for certain specific music types. (Generalizations aboutapplications, with specific examples, can be found in the section on applications.)Small Programs:Small reverberant spaces have shorter decay times and are characterized by theirsmooth, exponential decay. An impulse begins decaying immediately, without excessiveinitial sound. Plates and chambers have this basic quality. Especially suitable forgenerate purpose percussion, the small programs add little character to the original programmaterial, but obviously do not convey a feeling of open spaciousness At longerdecay times, the small programs may seem restrictive and tonal for such smooth materialai instruments and vocals. The programs are organized in order of increasingdecay time from 1 to 6.medium Programs:Medium reverbeiant spaces different from small and large spaces in the way that the initialattack and decay react, as well as the tonal differences between spaces. With mediumspaces, the attack generates a moderate amount of initial echoes as compared withlarger spaces. The decay is longer than that with a small room These medium programsare some of the most sought after room and plate spaces and will be used onmost of the reverb chores needed such as lead and background vocals, guitars, keyboards,horns, etc.Large Programs:Large reverberant spaces return initial echoes for a period of time from the onset of animpirtse, where the period is a function of the room size. This initial period is uneven beforethe smooth exponential decay begins. The large programs of the MICROVERB II aresimilar to halls. Such a reverb sound has rnore character than the more bland Small roomsound and lends a beautiful, open spaciousness to vocals and instruments, The largeprograms are not intended to be perfectly smooth, and should be used with caution onpe16ussive material. For large percussion sounds, the gated programsshould be tried.ine large programs are organized by size and decay time numbered from 1 to 7.Gated:Gatel andGate2 differinthedurationofthesoundandtherateof decay of thetai lofthe gated sound. Especially popular with snare drums, the effect can be varied considerablywith the mix control.MiCROVERB lt ProgramsSTALL l AMBIENCESMALL 2 AMBIENCESMALL 3 SMALL I-ROOMSUALL /I SMALL PLATEU€DUT '3 MEDIUM ROOMMEDIUM 4 MEDIUM PLATE/STRONGIMIVlEDIATE ATTACKTEDIU II 5 MEDIUM/LARGE ROOMTEDIUT 6 MEDIUM PLATE/SOFTERDELAYED ATTACKLARGE I LOW DIFFUSION VOCAL ROOI,ILARGE 2 MEDIUM/LARGE ROOMLANGE 3 LARGE ROOMLARGE 4 ENDLESS SPACEM EDIUM 1 SMALL/MEDIUM ROOMM.EDIUM 2 SMALL/MEDIUM ROOMGATEl POWERGATEGATE 2 BRIGHTGATEFgcNofrcE,This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not installed andused properly,l that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, maycause interferience to radio and television reception. lt has been type tested and foundto comply with the limits for a Class B computing device in accordance with the specificationsin Sub part J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasoCondition:Used, Number of Channels:2, Type:Multi-Effects Processor, Brand:Alesis

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